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发布时间:2024-04-01 21:34:14 来源:互联网

Equipment and weapon selection

Before starting the mission, it is essential to check your equipment and weapons. It will help if you carry a sniper rifle with a scope, and a silenced pistol for close encounters. You can also take other weapons such as landmines, grenades, and tripwires to help you with traps. Ensure that you also carry medkits to heal yourself when you get injured.

Plan your approach

Each mission requires a different approach, and it is essential to plan your moves carefully. First, you should study the map and identify your targets and later plan your strategy. It is crucial to consider various factors, including your enemies" movements, snipers" positions, and any other traps that may hinder your mission. Ensure that you take an approach that will keep you safe and avoid attracting unnecessary attention to yourself.

Use stealth

In Sniper Elite 4, stealth is essential in ensuring that you complete your mission undetected. When starting, ensure that you move slowly and silently, and avoid running or making unnecessary noise. When approaching your target, consider using lures, such as throwing a stone or using a whistle, to distract your enemies from your location. Also, when eliminating your enemies, ensure that you aim for a headshot or a silent kill with your pistol to avoid alarm and calling reinforcements.

Use the environment to your advantage

The game"s environment can also help you achieve your objective, and it is crucial to use it to your advantage. When planning your mission, consider using hiding spots, such as bushes and buildings, to conceal your location. You can also use the environment to create traps, such as dropping a heavy object on an enemy or setting explosive devices on strategic positions to confuse your enemies. Also, consider using vehicles as a distraction or as a hiding place to avoid enemy fire.


Passing levels and completing missions in Sniper Elite 4 requires planning, strategy, and precision. By following the tips and tricks in this article, you will be one step closer to achieving your objective. Ensure that you plan your approach, use stealth, select the right equipment and weapons, and use the environment to your advantage. With these strategies, you are guaranteed to complete the missions successfully and pass the levels with ease.
